Michael Lohan blames Samantha Ronson for things going wrong in Lindsay’s life

Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson, Michael Lohan

Friday the 13th was not a lucky day for actress Lindsay Lohan – a warrant was issued for her arrest in connection with her 2007 DUI and hit-and-run case.

Lohan’s attention-seeking father, Michael Lohan, must have seen this as the ultimate opportunity to once again put himself in the spotlight, because he immediately started talking to the media…

According to, Michael told the tabloid yesterday that he is worried for his daughter’s welfare as long as she is “involved in relationships that are harmful to her.” He also took the opportunity to blame his daughter’s girlfriend, DJ Samantha Ronson, for everything that goes wrong in Lindsay’s life.

“I feel like when you’re around the right people, you do the right thing, when you’re around the wrong people, you do the wrong thing,” Michael told “[But] she’ll deal with [the warrant] like she has to. She’s not going to ignore it. Mark my words, as long as Samantha Ronson is in Lindsay’s life, nothing is going to go right!”

Does Daddy Lohan have a point or not? What say you???


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