Mia Farrow ends hunger strike after 12 days, Richard Branson takes over

Mia Farrow, Richard Benson

64-year-old actress Mia Farrow has ended her hunger strike, which she started on April 27 to raise awareness for the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.

“I have been instructed by my doctor to stop my fast immediately due to health concerns … I am fortunate. The women, children, and men I am fasting for do not have this option.” the actress tells Entertainment Tonight.

Farrow’s wish was that when she could no longer continue, somebody else would start to hunger strike in her place, and then another one and then another one, until finally there is justice and peace for the people of Darfur. And now British billionaire Richard Branson, 58, has stepped up to the plate. He will reportedly be taking over the cause for the next three weeks.

“Over a year-and-a-half ago, I traveled to Darfur and was horrified by the stories that people of all ages shared with us… We cannot stand and watch as 1 million people suffer,” Branson is quoted as saying by E! Online.

Who do you think will take over after Branson???

Wanna know more about this cause; visit the Darfur Fast For Life website!


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