Mexico Reigns in Miss Universe 2010

jimena.jpgMiss Mexico Jimena Naverette was crowned as the title holder of the Miss Universe pageant held yesterday at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. Twenty-two year old Naverette started modeling when she was only 15 years old and was coached by Lupita Jones who also won the Miss Universe title on 1991.

Confidently strutting in a violet bikini for swimwear and a glamorous red dress for formal evening wear, Naverette was a crowd favorite together with Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson.  Gibson, however, wasn’t able to make it to the top 15.

When asked about a memento from the pageant which she will always value, Naverette didn’t answer for the crown but for her sash instead. She said that the sash she wore throughout the pageant is the one bearing Mexico’s name so it is the token which will always signify her success.

In her year of holding the crown, Miss Mexico said that she will focus on helping people with breast cancer and HIV/AIDS. Included in her aims is to bring the world to get to know more about Mexico and its people.

Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon released a statement that Naverete is a symbol of the pride and perseverance of Mexicans who wish to make a name in the world. He also said that Miss Mexico’s win will help a lot in improving the image of their country.


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