Memba ME??–Eddie Haskell?

The kind of friend your parents won’t let you spend a lot of time with, Eddie Haskell was Wally’s   suck up, conniving best friend on the hit sitcom Leave it to Beaver. Played by Kenneth Osmond, Eddie was every parents nightmare friend for their child.

Whatever happened to Eddie?

Urban legend had listed him as dead (he isn’t) said he grew up to be Alice Cooper (he didn’t) and that he died in the Vietnam War (nope. not that either)

The guy all the Leave it to Beaver fans loved to hate grew up to be a heroic LAPD policemen, who was shot three times in the line of duty.  (He reportedly grew a moustache and added a few pounds so he was harder to recognize)

Click here to see what he looks like today, at age 65.


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