Mel Gibson Claims To Have Slapped Oksana But Not Hit Her

Oksana, Mel GibsonOksana Grigorieva has made numerous accusations against Mel Gibson, one of them being that he has been physically violent towards her. Gibson has until now either ignored the claims or denied them. Not any more. In a sworn declaration, Gibson admitted to slapping Oksana, though not hitting or punching her.

He claims that he slapped her because he feared for the safety of his daughter. According to Gibson, Oksana was so out of control and hysterical that she was putting their daughter in danger. Oksana’s take is a lot different, of course. She claims that Mel punched her in the head and in the mouth during an argument. The blow to the mouth was so forceful, according to Oksana that two of her teeth were knocked out.

During an argument, one of many, Mel stated in the declaration, Oksana ran out of the house during the night with the baby. Mel, knowing how dangerous the grounds were at night, asked her to come back in. She did, but then begin to swing the baby around in a manner that was erratic. The baby’s head was being flung around. Mel, fearful, that the baby would experience Shaken Baby Syndrome, sprung into action. He slapped Oksana in the face one time. According to him, he was attempting to get her to come to her senses.

Well, again, that’s Mel take. Remember, there are three sides to every story, each party’s side and then the truth. Who knows what went down but it doesn’t sound good.


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