The French actress Marion Cotillard, who took home the Oscar for best actress last month, has accused the
In an interview on a French website, the actress questioned the facts and the truth behind the terrorist attacks. “I think we’re lied to about a number of things,” Cotillard said and used the
During the same interview she also questioned the Moon landing in 1969. “Did a man really walk on the Moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered, she said.
Cotillard made the comments a year ago. The question is now whether this might be the beginning of the end for her career in the
She must be stupid or ignorant or both! But I dont think it will impact her career… Hollywood loves missfits!
Wow! Calling 9/11 a conspiracy from the US…that’s a bit touchy…even in Hollywood!
Well, even Americans think that 9/11 was fabricated. Why should a french actress be pilloried for the same position?