Marion Cotillard has accused America of fabricating 9/11

Marion CotillardThe French actress Marion Cotillard, who took home the Oscar for best actress last month, has accused the United States of fabricating the 9/11 attacks, according to the Daily Mail.

In an interview on a French website, the actress questioned the facts and the truth behind the terrorist attacks. “I think we’re lied to about a number of things,” Cotillard said and used the World Trade Center attacks as an example of how America sometimes makes up horror stories for political purposes.

During the same interview she also questioned the Moon landing in 1969. “Did a man really walk on the Moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered, she said.

Cotillard made the comments a year ago. The question is now whether this might be the beginning of the end for her career in the US… What do you think?


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3 Responses to “Marion Cotillard has accused America of fabricating 9/11”

  1. Beanie says:

    She must be stupid or ignorant or both! But I dont think it will impact her career… Hollywood loves missfits!

  2. Barry says:

    Wow! Calling 9/11 a conspiracy from the US…that’s a bit touchy…even in Hollywood!

  3. peace says:

    Well, even Americans think that 9/11 was fabricated. Why should a french actress be pilloried for the same position?