Makeup Ads featuring Julia Roberts and Christy Turlington Banned in the UK

Makeup Ads featuring Julia Roberts and Christy Turlington Banned in the UKThe latest makeup ads for Lancôme and Maybelline feature Julia Roberts and Christy Turlington but they have now been banned in the U.K. over complaints that the images used in the campaigns were unrealistic and misleading.

L’Oréal Ltd., which owns both brands, has been forced to withdraw the ads after the U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority upheld complaints that were presented by MP Jo Swinson. They claim that the images were overly “overly perfected and unrealistic,” by being airbrushed and otherwise manipulated, and “not representative of the results the product could achieve.”

L’Oréal UK has admitted that Turlington’s image had been “digitally retouched to lighten the skin, clean up makeup, reduce dark shadows and shading around the eyes, smooth the lips and darken the eyebrows”. However, they also claimed there were still signs of ageing, such as crow’s feet, and that the image “accurately illustrated” the achieveable results.

The ASA has ruled that images from both of the campaigns breached the advertising standards code. As they exaggerate the effects of their products and are generally misleading to consumers. As a result, both have been banned from future publication in the UK.


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