Madonna is “The Neighbor from Hell”

Apparently Madge isn’t winning any good neighbor awards to go with that Mother of the year one…    🙂     and she’s being described as the ‘neighbor from hell’ after reportedly using her New York residence as a rehearsal space.

Karen George, who lives in the apartment above the the singer has filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court against the managers of the apartment block for failing to stop the noise.

“Madonna and one or more of her invited guests repeatedly dance and train… to unreasonably high-decibel, amplified music, causing noise and vibration to pour through the walls, ceilings and radiators,” the lawsuit reads.

“Ms. George has been forced to endure blaring music, stomping and shaking walls for approximately one and a half to three hours each day.”

Property managers insist that they previously threatened to evict Madonna from the building if she did not reduce noise levels. Hm.. so is she deafening her kids too.. or just the neighbors?


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