Madonna Gave Justin Timberlake a Vitamin Shot in the Butt

Madonna Gave Justin Timberlake a Vitamin Shot in the ButtMadonna is headed out to tour with her latest album Hard Candy this fall. According to BANG Media, Madonna will however not include any old classic songs like Holiday and Like A Virgin.

She said: “I’m not sure I can sing ‘Holiday’ or ‘Like A Virgin’ ever again. I just can’t – unless somebody paid me like $30 million or something. Like if some Russian guy wants me to come to the wedding he’s going to have to a 17-year-old, you know it.”

Madonna also reveals that she gave Justin Timberlake a B-12 vitamin injection in his butt when recording her latest single 4 Minutes.

Madonna said: “First of all, I’ve seen enough butt. The reason I gave him a B-12 shot is because we only had a certain amount of days in the studio and I didn’t want him to use that as a lame-a** excuse not to come to work. It’s got nothing to do with butt. I promise you. Listen, I don’t need to give him a shot to see his butt!”


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