Madonna compares John McCain to global warming?

Madonna, McCain and Obama - the image is a montage

Madonna began her Sweet + Sticky Tour two days ago – a tour that seems to feature both her fancy dance moves and her political views.

In fact, at one point during the concert, Presidential candidate John McCain’s image is shown on a gigantic screen alongside horrible scenes of global warming, starving children and nasty dictators.

Footage of Barack Obama is also shown, but alongside images of “nice guys” such as Gandhi and climate control guru Al Gore.

This has made McCain’s rep furious and the Republican’s spokesman Tucker Bounds has according to said the following about this whole thing:

“The comparisons are outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time. It clearly shows that when it comes to supporting Barack Obama, his fellow worldwide celebrities refuse to consider any smear or attack off limits.”


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2 Responses to “Madonna compares John McCain to global warming?”

  1. Robbi says:

    In point of fact I’m a fairly staunch left winger and it offended me. It was a slam to every Jewish person in the US among other things, comparing a politician with HITLER? It certainly demeans what the Jewish community went through.

    I seem to recall another idiot who played politics in her music.. hm.. LOL. lets see.. her name was Sinead.. and it didn’t work out for her either.

    Come on Madge. Whats up with the drama.. you’re a singer.. definitely not an actress..Did you do that video all by yourself with a home movie camera??*G*

  2. D. Lexinator says:

    Oh C’mon now…

    Is anybody really taking Madonna seriously? Isn’t that WHY she’s talking tough, and acting like the person we always knew she was? Is “she” serious? And why does she even care, it’s not like she lives here…
    People are all fired up about this. We’ve been discussing this story in detail, on our blog;
    She’s just trying to get attention…
    Why else would she do yoga to lip-synch, on stage?