Lohan Gets Hit With Another Lawsuit While In Court

Lindsay LohanIt seems that Lindsay Lohan can’t catch a break, though it’s really no one’s fault but her own. The clothing company that alleges Lohan owes them more then $17,000 in unpaid merchandise sent a server to serve Lindsay legal documents while she was already scheduled to be in court. She was in the elevator headed to her hearing on a probation violation when she was served.

She attempted to scream at the server and get her people to kick him out of the elevator but alas, it was too late. He dropped the papers at her feet and went on his merry way. According to California law governing such matters, the processor has completed his job once he (or she) has come face-to-face with the target. If Lohan chooses to ignore the lawsuit, it’s to her own peril.

In my humble opinion, it’s time for a major intervention. Dina (Lindsay’s mom) needs to wake up and stop being in denial. Lindsay has adopted that same very dangerous outlook on her problems blaming everyone but the person involved.

If Dina doesn’t step up and be a responsible mother, she may end up burying her daughter far before her time. Though I admit, her dad Mike is a bit crazy at least he admits that a problem exists and wants her to get help. It looks like all that Dina wants to do is protect the gravy train which has long stopped running


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