Lindsay Lohan’s dad thinks Samantha Ronson hijacked Lilo’s blog

Lindsay Lohan

According to People Magazine, Lindsay Lohan’s father Michael Lohan thinks it was Lindsay’s girlfriend Samantha Ronson who actually wrote the message on his daughter’s MySpace blog Tuesday, which included these words:

“… my father just let my family and i know, amongst others that he had another child after my little sister Aliana, or maybe he had it before Aliana?? either way, he cheated on my mother and that really sucks…”

Hmmm. Michael Lohan must have gotten very upset over that MySpace post since he reportedly emailed People Magazine to deny his daughter’s claim that he has another daughter.

The rumors of a Lohan-half-sibling started circulating earlier this year after a woman by the name of Kristi Horn claimed that Michael Lohan was her 13-year-old daughter’s father too.


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