Las Vegas Casino Owner Offers Celebrity Kanye West a Deal!

Celebrity Kanye West publicly announced on Monday that he is 53 million dollars in debt. Yes, you heard that correctly, 53 million dollars! West has asked the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, to invest 1 billion dollars in West’s “ideas”. He contacted Zuckerberg in hopes of making a deal as a way to pay off his debt. However, so far there has yet to be any news on if Zuckerberg took up West on his offer.

Casino Owner Offers West a Deal

Las Vegas casino owner Derek Stevens, also the owner of Downtown Las Vegas Events Center gave Kanye West a proposition, which could pose as a solution to decrease the amount of debt West currently has. This is a once in a lifetime chance for West to decrease his debt. It may also be the only offer West will receive in an effort to help him decrease his debt, and earn some cash.

The Actual Deal

Derek Stevens first offered the deal to West over twitter,through a tweet directed for West. The actual deal is that if West agrees to hold a show at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, a venue that holds about 10,000 people, than West can keep the ticket revenue.That would be a lot of money from the ticket revenue. Stevens will in turn keep the proceeds from the bar. As of now this is the only legit offer West has gotten in an effort to lower his debt. This is a great opportunity for both West, and Stevens. Kanye could potentially lower his debt, and Steven’s venue could receive some publicity.

Las Vegas Downtown

This wouldn’t be Kanye’s first performance in Las Vegas Downtown, in fact he actually played a show there about two years ago, back in 2014. As of now Kanye West has yet to reply to Stevens tweet about the deal to decrease his debt. However, it would be smart to take such a deal, especially when you have obtained so much debt. Afterall such a deal might not come around again.


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