1. Paris Hilton is out of town
2. Britney Spears puts her clothes on
3. Lindsay Lohan is gay
LAPD Chief William “Bill” Bratton has spoken out against a new proposal by a city councilman, who is seeking some new measures to restrict paparazzi, according to E! Online. Bratton reportedly told KNBC the following:
“If you notice, since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving; Paris is out of town not bothering anybody anymore, thank god; and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don’t seem to have much of an issue… If the ones that attract the paparazzi behave in the first place, like we expect of anybody, that solves about 90 percent of the problem. The rest we can deal with.”
And we believe him! Chief Bratton seems to be a very clever guy and he has a track record that proves it. For instance, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement from the University of Massachusetts and was a research fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University… And when the LA Police Commission reappointed him as LAPD Chief in 2007, it was the first reappointment of an LAPD chief in almost twenty years.