It seems that Kris Humphries has come up with two plans to avoid the divorce. Kris is considered to be a very religious person and he does not believe in divorce at all. Well, at least we known that he was serious about his marriage to Kim Kardashian even though we cannot say the same about her, right?
Anyways, Kris is seeking for an annulment or indefinite separation. They annulment will wipe both him and Kim free of the marriage but separation will not allow either of them to tie the knot again. Kris says he is fine with not being able to be married again. But, of course Kim hasn’t added in any thoughts about this.
However, she did respond back to Kris from yesterday stating that if she had staged all of this the divorce would be dramatic and drawn out and the wedding would have been better. The media feels that she may be right about the wedding part but the divorce is already dramatic – hello!
Overall, Kris and Kim are still tearing up headlines all over the web. We basically just have to see what the judge has to say about all this.