Klein Three Times Over The Legal Limit

Chris KleinChris Klein, of ‘American Pie’ fame, recently got busted for a DUI (June 16th). He was charged with 2 misdemeanor counts of Driving Under The Influence (DUI). Klein’s blood alcohol level was more then three times the legal limit.

Not only was Klein charged with driving with a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher but also with a DUI With A Prior. His alcohol level was .22 and .24. He was given two field tests. If Klein gets convicted, he will be sentenced to at least 96 hours in county jail. However, the judge has the power to sentence him up to one year, which means he may spend more time behind bars then 96 hours. Klein would have to pay some fines as well. Since his arrest, Klein has checked himself into a rehab facility in Utah.

Good luck to Chris. Let’s hope he gets his stuff together. Next time he decides to drive while drunk he just might kill himself or someone else. Drunk driving is never cool. Get help Klein!!!


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