Not a day goes by without a news story regarding reality TV star Kim Kardashian, and today is no different as her dress sense and size have come under severe scrutiny.
Kardashian is expecting her first child later this year and is already piling on the pounds, which has led to the star being on the end of some cruel remarks. Yesterday evening Kardashian, 32, appeared on Jay Leno’s Chat Show and revealed she is not worried about her weight, or how she looks. She said, “I have the rest of my life to be skinny and to lose weight and I’m not really worrying about it. If I have a craving I’ll go for it.”
She went on to add, “I think it’s a little bullyish to call a pregnant woman fat. I mean, what do you expect? There’s just more to love right now.”
Many people believe big is beautiful, but when you see pregnant women wearing short skirts, tight fitting blouses, tight tops and high heels they do rather leave themselves open to criticism don’t they? It doesn’t seem to worry Kim Kardashian though, and in the coming weeks and months she is sure to be on the receiving end of some more unflattering comments.