Kelly Clarkson, renowned for her sweet disposition in most of the media, has announced that she can certainly understand why someone might punch Perez Hilton.
Kelly Clarkson has said that she was unsurprised.
Clarkson told AstralRadioToronto that she would have thought such an incident would have occurred sooner.
Clarkson said: “I’ve got to be honest with you, he’s going to get a lot of flowers. I’m not talking about Perez – I mean the manager.
“I do not think violence is the answer, but what did you expect? You can’t say that much crap about people without having to take something.”
She added: “No-one deserves to be punched in the face but it’s expected. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already. I hear that he’s mean to celebrities’ kids.
“You’re hurtful to children, no-one’s going to pity you. I don’t think anyone should be punched and I’m not about violence but I see why someone would do it.”
Perez, ya getting the feeling here that you’ve really overstepped it with your nasty mouth and bad attitude? WE are SEARCHING.. Does Perez have a friend out there ANYWHERE?
What’s Your take on it.. Are you sympathetic?