Katie Price Is Concerned That Fame Is Affecting Her Children

Katie-PriceSome celebrities love being the centre of attention don’t they, while others just like to get on with their lives and try to keep out of the limelight as much as they possibly can. One that falls into the former is a certain Katie Price who loves nothing more than perfecting a pose or pout for the cameras, but she is concerned that the fame is affecting her children, especially her son Junior.

Speaking in yesterdays edition of The Independent on Sunday Price said, “He wants to go on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’; he wants to present ‘Jeremy Kyle’; he wants a Lamborghini. He keeps telling me he’s famous, and I’m trying to tell him that just because his father put him on his TV show, that doesn’t make him famous himself.”

When she was married to Peter Andre the couple had their own TV show where cameras would follow them everywhere they went, something that Katie now regrets. She said, “When I was married to Pete, I don’t know what I was thinking. Everything we did was documented, every party, every trip, on the telly, in magazines. It’s not healthy.”

It certainly isn’t healthy and it certainly isn’t good to expose young children to the limelight at such a young age. As for being concerned about her children perhaps Katie should look a little closer to home before blaming others, because if she kept a low profile and lived a ‘normal life’ then her children might not get so much media attention either. But there is more chance of seeing a pig flying isn’t there than there is of Katie Price keeping a low profile!


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