Kate stated that he exhibited ‘suspicious behavior’ when he was around their daughter.
Kate Gosselin and Jon her now Ex-husband relationship could not be any more hateful.
This Kate plus eight star, Kate Gosselin could not have gotten any more paranoid about her ex partner’s actions when it came to him being around their children. She even went as far as hiring a private investigator in order to follow him as he was around town.
In a police report that was filed in Pennsylvania, this 41 year old star and mother of eight children admitted to the police that her ex. Jon, who is at the age of 39, showed ‘suspicious behavior’ while he was with their daughter, who has been previously identified to be Hannah, who is now at the age of 12 years old.
Kate continued to admit to her scheme in order to track Jon’s every move.
The incident report that was filed in Manheim Township stated that Kate stated that she actually hired a detective in order to follow Jon and that she was actually aware of the fact that Jon was currently at the school that the children went to.
Kate also stated that she believed that her EX was actually guarding Hannah their daughter and had the fear that if Jon saw the police or herself he would actually take Hannah out of school in order to flee with her.
According to the police officers, Gosselin arrived at the school, but her ex Jon was actually nowhere in sight, Kate actually removed her daughter from school in order to bring her home.
Other sources that are close to Jon stated that Gosselin’s concerns that are related to her ex’s relationship with their daughter are entirely speculative.
A friend of Jon’s stated that is just gross even to suggest and that it sounded like Gosselin was fabricating stories yet again.