John Edwards has told the famous ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff that he did in fact have an affair with 44-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he loved only his wife, Elizabeth.
However, Edwards denies being the father of Hunter’s baby girl, even though he has not taken a paternity test, but he said that he was willing to take one, according to ABC News.
It was in July 2008, that several media outlets speculated that Edwards’ political career has been harmed by claims published in The National Enquirer that he had fathered a child outside his marriage with a woman by the name of Rielle Hunter. Edwards denied the whole thing back then, but has now admitted that he actually did have an affair with her in 2006.
Edwards was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 2004, and was a candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination through the January primaries, until dropping out, and later endorsing Senator Barack Obama.
Is this the beginning of the end of Edwards’ political career? We think so!