Jessica Simpson Has Set A Date For Her Wedding – But Refuses To Name The Day

rsz_jessica_simpsonJessica Simpson has made it quite clear in the past that she will marry her fiancé Eric Johnson, and she has even gone as far as saying it will be this year, but when questioned when that may be Simpson left everyone hanging by a thread as she simply replied “soon enough”.

Simpson, 33, first started dating Johnson, 34, back in 2010 and the couple have two young children in Maxwell and Ace. Simpson revealed her wedding plans, or lack of them, on ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) programme on Tuesday when she said, “Yes, we’re planning a wedding. Since I was on GMA last I have a date, I’m super excited.”

Asked about when that date was likely to be all Simpson would say was, “Nah, nah. It’ll be soon enough!”

Jessica Simpson is being very coy about her forthcoming nuptials, but one thing is for certain it will not be long until she is back on stage performing as she said, “I wanna sing again. I want my daughter to see me on stage. My fiancé has never even watched me perform. Which is crazy. That’s my passion, that’s my love, that’s everything that I am.”

Watch this space regarding the wedding of Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson as it could be any time soon. Will the couple opt for a quiet affair with just a few family and friends, or will it be an extravaganza with 100’s of guests?


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