Most people know Jermaine as “Thomas Sams” from Lean on Me. It’s starting to look like his part in the play was not just and act. Turns out that Jermaine has now been arrested and is currently in jail for trying to buy 200 pounds of weed from an undercover cop.
This is absolutely amazing because Hopkins lives in North Carolina yet he traveled all the way to Arizona to try and make a drug deal. This is something that he has to regret because he has now been charged with two felonies of possessing, transporting and attempting to sell marijuana. Now for the amazing part; after Jermaine gets pulled over and arrested he had $100K in cash sitting in his car. Wow! What was he going to go do with that? Buy some other illegal drug maybe? Wait! That’s not even the best part. After the police recovered the weed he bought from the undercover there was an additional amount of 100 pounds.
When Jermaine was questioned as to why he wanted all that weed he said he was just trying to do it to make sure his family had a good Christmas. Aww! Well, so much for that idea Jermaine you got set up and if your family cannot pay your $35,000 bond you will be spending Christmas in the slammer.