Isn’t It Ironic–Ecology Building Pollutes US Creek

A US environmental agency was recently exposed as the mystery source of pollution in a nearby creek.

Workers in Vancouver, Washington had been investigating the presence of sewage in Burnt Bridge Creek, near Vancouver Lake.

The probe , embarrassingly enough for the Environmental group, just figured out recently that a building which houses Washington State’s Department of Ecology offices is responsible for the problem.

According to the  investigators, the building’s sewer line  was directly connected to the storm drain rather than the municipal sewer lines, spilling raw sewage into the creek

Brian Carlson, Vancouver’s public works director, told The Colombian: “The only thing that’s supposed to be in the stormwater pipe is rainwater. The irony is not lost on us.”

Meanwhile, Jay Manning, the agency’s state director, described the shock discovery as “embarrassing and upsetting”.

Hope someone’s watching to be sure they get the proper fines and penalties


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