Lindsay Lohan is scheduled to go to court again this Wednesday due to the fact that she violated her probation. She is facing a maximum sentence of over 1 year in jail but she is hoping that she will only get 2 weeks.
It seems as though Lindsay has gotten kicked out of her community service program at the morgue. However, Lindsay is using the defense that she has already completed 24 hours of community service when the judge only requested that she have 16 hours done by the time she came back to court – this Wednesday. Lindsay claims that she is taking her probation seriously this time and she is hoping that the judge will take in the factor that she has already done more than the required amount.
Sources tell us that Lindsay is not going to put up a fight. However, based on what happened at her last court hearing, they also do not see Lindsay getting the minimum court sentence either. Seems to us that her plan is a little risky and she has the shorter end of the stick when it comes to trying to convince the judge that she is taking her probation seriously. However, we will just have to wait and see what happens on Wednesday.