Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trailer


The long awaited trailer for ‘Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ (wheew…what a long movie title) had world premiere today on Valentine’s Day.

Harrison Ford puts on the iconic hat and whip again after almost 20 years since the last time he played the Indiana Jones character. This time he’s accompanied by Shia LaBeouf to fight off the evil agent, Cate Blanchett, in the search of the crystal skull.

‘Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ is set to be released in the movie theaters on May 22.


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3 Responses to “Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trailer”

  1. Barry says:

    Can’t believe it’s almost been 20 years ago!!! The Indiana Jones’ films are my all time favorite adventure films! Can’t wait to see this new one! 😀

  2. JiggaMan says:

    Cate Blanchett looks damn HOT in that uniform! 😉

  3. Sarah says:

    Shia LaBeouf is HOT…even Harrison Ford…for being that old! 😉