Being a parent is hard work, you just have to ask any new mum that. One new mum that is experiencing that feeling right now is Hilary Duff who has admitted that being a mum is “a huge life adjustment” and extremely “tiring”. Tell us something we don’t already know Hilary!
Speaking to the magazine In Touch Weekly Duff, 25, said, “Motherhood has been a huge life adjustment. It’s been the most wonderful time of my life, but also the most tiring.”
She went on to talk about her 14 month old son, who is called Luca Cruz, and she also spoke about what the future may hold. She said, “He went straight to running from crawling instead of walking so I’m on my feet all day long training him. Right now I’m making some new music and reading scripts, but it’s tough to commit. Now that I’m a Mum, whatever I work on has to be worth it.”
Many young mothers find it hard to leave their children behind and return to work, but with celebrities it is an everyday occurrence it seems as they just palm their children off to a nanny or child minder.
Hilary also spoke about the issues she has had with her weight since the birth of her son. She said, “I’ve never had that much weight to lose before. I love to exercise but I’m the worst dieter in the world. Now I’m finally getting to a place where my old clothes are fitting. It’s taken a year and it was harder than I thought it was going to be. But I feel really good.”
We think Hilary Duff looks great, and there are many young mums who have recently given birth who would give their right arm to look as good as Hilary Duff.