Heidi and Spencer continue to make headlines…..well sort of. This time the coverage centers around their financial troubles. The couple is supposedly on the brink of bankruptcy having recently blown through nearly $10 million. One company, however, is looking to help the couple out financially, that is if they agree to leave the United States. YouWager.com has offered to pay the couple $100,000 if they relocate to Costa Rica and work for the company there.
The couple hasn’t decided whether or not they will accept the offer. The uneasy political climate makes the opportunity a little unattractive. However, if Spencer can gain access to a gun, he may consider it.
Recently, there hasn’t nearly been the same amount of Speidi coverage as there had been in the past. Thank goodness! I guess people got a bit fed up with their antics and media whoring. Though it was apparently lucrative for them, it got to be annoying for most of the public. It’s hard to build a career off of annoyance but they seemed to still have tried.
Hopefully, they will be able to successfully transfer into normalcy. I’m sure, however, that it will hard to do after receiving so much attention. Maybe Costa Rica will be good for them. They can get away from the U.S., figure out who they really are and then get back on with their lives.