Gwyneth Paltrow Insults Grandmother in E! TV Interview

Gwyneth Paltrow Insults Grandmother in E! TV InterviewGwyneth Paltrow made a surprising comment whilst appearing on E!’s Chelsea Lately on Monday night. She completely stepped out of her normally clean and composed image by using one of the more course words that the English language has to offer to describe her own grandmother. The actress was on the show to talk about her new cookbook, “My Father’s Daughter”.

The interview turned to the topic of family this is when Paltrow shocked TV audiences in the US by using the word c@#t! Paltrow and E!’s host, Chelsea Handler learned that they both called their grandmothers “Mutti”, the German word for “Mommy”. They both revealed that they had difficult relationships with their grandmothers. Handler opened up by saying;

“My Mutti was a real b*tch,”

This is when Paltrow went even further by saying;

“My Mutti was a real c*nt!” she said. “She just hated my guts, basically. She tried to poison my mother against me, but it didn’t work because I have a great mother (Blythe Danner, 68). She was just tough.”

Paltrow then attempted to reflect on why her grandmother was the way she was. Her brutal honesty was certainly a surprise, perhaps we’re going to start seeing a different side of Gwyneth.


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