Good Manners a Thing of the Past??

Taylor Swift is no longer interested in discussing Kanye, and is gracefully moving past what happened. It appears the teenager is about the only celebrity we’ve seen with any manners.

West interrupted Swift while she was accepting a prize at the MTV Video Music Awards, complaining that Beyoncé should have won the accolade.

Swift has since arefused to talk about him when she appeared and also on the radio MJ’s Morning Show, E! Online reports.

“I’m just honestly trying not to make it into a bigger deal than it already is,” she said. “It’s kind of become more of a big deal than I ever thought it would be.

“I just, you know, it happened on TV, so everybody saw what happened. I just would like to move on maybe a little bit.”

However, the host then continued to ask the questions..

“I didn’t know what to think, but I think that we should maybe talk about something else, because I’ve talked about this in one interview, and that was going to be it,” she replied. “It’s not something I feel like we need to keep talking about.”

As he continued to pressure Swift, she graciously responded: “I really would appreciate it if we could talk about something else, because I’ve asked you three times now, and I’m trying to be nice about it.

“It just isn’t something we need to spend this whole interview talking about.”

When presented with another question about West, Swift passed the telephone to her publicist. Go on then. Does it seem to anyone else that Beyonce and Swift are the only two with any real grace or manners in recent history?


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