“Girls Aloud” Blogger Heads to Court

  A man who was accused of publishing an internet blog that has been called obscene headed to court today.

Darryn Walker, a 35 year old  was arrested earlier this year after he purportedly wrote a blog that detailed his fantasies  of the pop group.

Oddly enough, he has been  charged under the “Obscene Publications Act” an act that was used to prosecute D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterly , in a trial held in 1960.  At THAT trial, the prosecution was ridiculed for “being out of touch with changing social norms” when the chief prosecutorasked if it were the kind of book “you would wish your wife or servants to read”.”

If it was out of touch then, why try it again?? Walker will appear in court again when the trial begins on March 16, 2009.


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