Gary Shirley Supported Amber Portwood’s Decision to Go to Jail

Gary Shirley Supported Amber Portwood's Decision to Go to JailWe reported that Amber Portwood has landed herself back in jail by request. Now it seems as though Gary Shirley may have influenced her decision. Photos were taking of the two of them yesterday as they approached the courthouse and they were holding hands looking very passionately into the others eyes.

For those of you who do not know Amber and Gary have a daughter together by the name of Leah. Throughout the seasons of Teen Mom they have had an on again off again relationship but it appears from the picture that the two have reunited just in time for Amber to go behind bars.

Sources were able to catch Gary Shirley on his way out of the court house and the 25 year old stated that it had been a very rough day for him knowing that Amber was going away. He also tweeted to his followers that he was leaving Anderson and could use some cheering up. One of his followers asked he if he was okay and he responded to them that he was just having a really bad day but the bright thing about it is tomorrow has a chance to be a great day.


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