Flavor Flav will not be going to prison today as many people expected. He says that he is a good father to all seven of his kids and they never have to worry about going without. Furthermore, he feels as though he does the best he can with what he has and any real man takes care of his kids. Overall, he states that he is glad that the judge understood and he is pleased with his decision.
Flavor Flav was previously facing up to 180 days in jail because he fell behind on his child support to his baby mamma by $111,186. However, today when in court he gave enough of his back child support to please the courts. According, to our sources he paid Angie Parker $25k in the form of a check. For those of you who do not know Angie is the mother of three of his kids.
Flavor Flav continues to remain a free main and he is not scheduled to appear back in court until September. This court date has just been put into place to insure that Flavor Flav continues to keep up with his child support obligations.