David Beckham joins the fight against Malaria

David Beckham

Soccer star David Beckham has teamed up with UK Prime Minister Grodon Brown and a group of celebs in the fight against Malaria.

Beckham is now among the many famous athletes supporting Malaria No More, a newly launched charity aiming to prevent millions of deaths across the world.

“It’s truly incredible to think we can stop this killer disease forever and it’s such a simple thing to do,” Beckham is quoted as saying by Sky News. “For less than a cost of a football you can protect a family from dying.”

In Africa, Malaria kills one child every 30 seconds; it kills more children under the age of five than any other single disease. Malaria No More aims to provide everyone in Africa with a mosquito net by 2010, and hopes to eliminate Malaria deaths by 2015.

Check out David Beckham’s Malaria No More commercial below!


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