Several photos of 15-year-old Miley Cyrus, aka Disney’s “Hannah Montana”, have leaked online. The private photos are supposedly stolen from her MySpace account.
Miley was deeply upset over the release of those photos, and denied any wrongdoings, insisting that it was just innocent fun.
What do you think? Innocent fun or does Disney have to do yet another damage control?
Click here to see all the photos!
check out those abs. not so bad.
look how hard her nipple is in the last one.
innocent fun, my ass.
will you go out with me miley and what is your mobile number
its true she did have sex it was with me
MY NAME IS nick jonas i made a deal with her that i would never say we had sex but i dont care i tellong you now
omg Miley is such a slut! i used to be a big fan and now look a her. shes a famous slut.
look get a life people!!!! leave the poor girl alone!!!! u do as if u have never taken picts of yourself posing!!!!!! and u the question mark person get a life !!!!!!!!!!
Well I Do Thnk It Can Be Weird 2 Have Those Pictures At Her Age But I also Took Pictures Of My Girl Like That Only Cause She Was Gourgeouse Had Angelina Jolie Eyes A Penelope Cruz Head Shape Megan Fox Lips A Paris Hilton Nose And Salma Hayek Boobs And It Was Somethng 2 Enjoy As For Miley Well Id F**k Not Cause Her Looks Just Cause Shes So Slutty& Dumb If U Evr C Somethng In The News About Mily Geting Butt F**kd And Fingered At The Same Time Knw It Was Me
wtf is wrong with these pics man its not like its showing her privates so you look can stop calling her a fucking slut because she ant one.
if your going to put someting on the internet do someting people want to look at
WOAH look at those abs shes got a six pack going!!
Miley is hot!!!
Listen. 15 year olds grow up fast now. Its the times. When i was 15 i was kissing girls. Today 15 year old girls are having sex. It’s way more normal than when we were young. At least shes not w*****g herself up to like 50 million guys like paris hilton or a porn star. This was all directed to one guy who she likes. W***e? no! H***Y? SHES 15 DUH!!
Don’t get me wrong i can’t stand her personality. But doesn’t mean i think she’s a shore. LINDSAY LOHAN IS A W****!
fitist girl in da world more please but with out a top or bra so just boobs
( you act like youve never done the same before )
lol … no, i have never posed in naked pics and put them on the internet …
please … some people still have some moral fibre left in them .
lets hope she can get some help before she turns into a paris hilton or britney spears… we will pray for her.
lol .. just because more and more 15 year olds are having sex does not make it right and make it ok because its ¨the times ¨…
give me a break .. everything is shaped by the media and the guidance of your parents .. if your not there to properly teach your kids what to look out for and be careful about getting into … ( not letting your kids get sucked into bad magazines, tv shows, etc … or atleast educating them so they know its not right but can watch it anyway , so atleast they wont follow suit ) .. they can still grow up, goto school, have respectable jobs and be respectable people.
theres too many girls walking around looking like ¨sluts¨because their parents are not telling them that dressing like that is wrong, or telling them that the girls in the shows they are watching are not what normal girls look like .. etc … atleast if they know that, they would know that when they are walking down the street, they look completely fucking ridiculous. like something dressed up for halloween ..
i mean seriously.. a young 14/15 year old walking around in high heels, very short booty shorts, and a tank top …
give me a break. if you think this is normal and that people are jealous of this, you are so far off the deep end. you need to reconsider what it means to be a woman .
( and this is coming from a male who loves the female body, but cant stand the rationale behind young girls minds sometimes ) .. if it is for porn, thats one thing, but in the general public, thats just disgusting. ) ..
just because you see it on TV or in a store, or other people wearing it, doesnt make it right, lol. your parents should have told you that maybe .;..
and yes we all rebel, but i think some people have gone way out of hand, lol
most teens that are 15 ond older do it. i havent done it and i wont. but miley you do have little kids that look up to you, and if they see that they will think its okay to take pix like that.
Nice post. We were really interested on this.
August 1st, 2008 20:50 look how hard her nipple is in the last one.
innocent fun, my ass.”