Former star of “CSI:Crime Scene Investigation” Gary Dourdan has filed for bankruptcy. TMZ has reported on Monday that the actor currently has assets worth $1.8 million, but has $1.73 million worth of debts to several banks, one of which holds his mortgage.
He has incurred a total of $1,689, 704 in debts, including UnionBank, where the mortgage on his home is held. This was despite him starring in the popular TV show “CSI” for eight seasons. The actor claims that his monthly disposable income only amounts to $321 and the rest of what he makes goes to his bills. In the same report made by TMZ, he reportedly earns $14,883 a month, but $14,562 is taken from it as payment for his debts.
Other reports say that the actor had filed an injunction on Aug 30 to stop Wells Fargo from auctioning his home in Venice, California. This was the same day he filed for bankruptcy. His problems with money started surfacing in 2010 when he was sued for credit card debt.
The actor has had his share of run-ins with the authorities as he was linked to drug use in 2008 when he was arrested for possession of cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, other prescription drugs and drug paraphernalia. In 2011, he was arrested for drug possession again. In November, his girlfriend sued him for battery after he broke her nose, where he pled not guilty.