Cost of Spears Health Overwhelming–In Legal Fees

Britney Spears has reportedly paid $2.7 million in legal fees  since a judge ruled her not competent to manage her own life and career.

A minimum of 17 different lawyers and law firms have been involved with Spears’s personal and work life since last year’s  mega ruling about her competency, the Los Angeles Times reports.

According to accounts filed in Superior Court in Los Angeles earlier this week, Spears’s estate paid out a minimum of $2.7 million in fees and costs.

Jamie’s lawyer Geraldine Wyle said: “Since the initiation of the conservatorship, as a result of the concerted efforts of Mr. Spears as well as all the professionals involved, all aspects of Ms. Spears’s life have been stabilised and continue to improve.”

🙂 and they say HEALTH care is expensive???


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