Co-Star Praises Pitts Parenting

Brad Pitt’s co-star in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button describes him as a “great father”.

Taraji Henson told People that Pitt and partner Angelina Jolie have “the parenting thing mapped out”.

“There are some parents who are meant to be parents of multiple [children]. They were chosen,” she said. “We all know that he is an incredible artist, but he really is a great person and a great father.”

Pitt and Jolie, who have six children,  and according to all reports  spend “one-on-one time” with each child every day.


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One Response to “Co-Star Praises Pitts Parenting”

  1. samantha says:

    he probably is a great father you can see happiness on his face when with the kids; angie on the other hand i think lacks something deep down somewhere; she has no relationship with her father; tahts greedy of her; robbing her kids of there grandpa. shame on her. put your differences aside angie ;for your kids sake?!