Christina Milian, the soon-to-be ex-wife of R & B singer The Dream, wants the judge presiding over divorce from the star to throw it out.
She claims that he lied about their relationship status and also was unfaithful.
The Dream has purported that the two were already legally separated at the same time he filed for divorce at the beginning of the year.
Milian disagrees. She counter-claims that there were still together and having “marital relations.” She goes on to ask the court to at least grant the divorce based on adultery and not due to it being “irretrievably broken.”
BTW, Milian, the ex of Nick Cannon (Mariah Carey’s husband) has one more request. She wants the agreement to not ask for alimony or any property, that she admittedly signed, thrown out claiming that The Dream asked her to sign it right before she gave birth, when she as not in the right frame of mind to agree to such an important manner