Carrie Fisher has become so clever in making her life tragedies into humor. It is slightly unexpected to know she’s hurt by tabloid rumors.
The popular Princess Leia of “Star Wars” is currently the spokesperson for the weight-loss company Jenny Craig. She turns her dieting into public humiliation recently at the age of 54. TV ads started to sprout this week.
The humor with which she faces her bad habits does not come that easy when other people poke fun. She added that the tag “Carrie Fisher’s tragic life” made her hurt for real. She said how about that Carrie Fisher? She used to be that hot before, but now she looks like Elton John, that’s what hurt her.
Fisher, who stands 5’1’’, increased weight when she is traveling with her one-woman show in recent years, reaching the weight of 180 pounds before choosing to go on Jenny Craig. When the company heard the news, they offer Fisher to be the next celebrity spokeswoman like actresses Valerie Bertinelli and Kirstie Alley.