Carrie Backs out of Larry

Carrie Prejean  the newly crowned queen of the  hypocrites apparently backed out of doing “Larry King Live” with just minimal notice, the reports being that she had  partied too hard!

Carrie celebrated her 22nd birthday in Atlanta this week and although she  was scheduled to do Larry’s show  in L.A.,  her people called hours earlier  and said Carrie had a birthday party last night and she was really tired and took a flight that had ” put the airhead in the air” at the same time that Larry airs.

Apparently there’s more to the story..Carrie is co-hosting “FOX and Friends” later on in the month and has apparently not spoken to  anyone from the Miss California pageant for permission — a direct violation of the ground rules Donald Trump established at his bimbo summit when Prejean was permitted to keep her job..

Okay so wait..She partied so much she was too tired to keep her commitment, she’s just gotten new boobs from the doc, has some semi nude photos out there, shes standing people up and having a “rep” explain it for her and she’s judging folks who aren’t like her..   so which part of the Christian thing is she actually DOING and where’s the part where she wins us over to her faith by her sterling example… Maybe we missed that part.


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