Cameron Diaz, McAfee’s Most Dangerous Hollywood Star

cameron_diaz.jpgMcAfee software, a popular antivirus company, has just released its fourth yearly list of most dangerous celebrities searched in the internet. Topping the list is Cameron Diaz whose name is considered as the riskiest among online searches. McAfee do the survey by compiling search phrases containing names of public figures done in a year. The software company then gets the percentage of searches which lead to websites with adware, malware, and spam.

This only means that Cameron Diaz’s name has a ten percent chance of leading the internet user into a site infected with viruses. Some of the search terms monitored by McAfee are ‘Cameron Diaz and downloads’, ‘Cameron Diaz’, ‘Cameron Diaz and wallpaper’, ‘Cameron Diaz and photos’, and ‘Cameron Diaz and videos’. The company also stated that entering the keyword ‘Cameron Diaz and screensavers’ even double the risk of getting across a site with viruses.

Next to Diaz is actress Julia Roberts with a nine percent chance of getting infected with viruses. However, searching for the keywords ‘Julia Roberts and downloads’ has a twenty percent result of having a wallpaper or photo infected with Malware. On the third spot is Jessica Biel who used to be last year’s number one in the list.


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