Bristol Palin’s Nacho Controversy

Bristol PalinIt looks like Bristol Palin might be in trouble for eating nachos of all things. There is photographic evidence of Alaska’s most famous daugher stuffing her face with the delicious treat. You may be wondering why or how nachos would cause such a big deal, well keep reading.

Bristol was snacking in an Alaskan bar. Indivduals under the age of 21 are not allowed in bars. There is one exception. If the bar is also a restaurant, a person under 21 may enter, but they must be with someone older then 21 and they can not be drinking.

So far, it looks like Bristol is free an clear. Though she is younger then 21, the bar was also a restaurant and she was in the company of someone 24 years old. These little facts, however, have not stopped authorities from investigating the entire incident. After seeing Bristol in the bar with her dancing partner, they decided to look into it. Unless pictures are found which show her throwing back a few she should be all good. Stay tuned…..


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