Bret Michaels is Going for Heart Surgery

Bret Michaels is Going for Heart SurgeryPhoenix-Bret Michaels is scheduled for heart surgery procedure to correct a hole in his heart.

The doctors found out the hole in Bret’s heart when they treated him his brain hemorrhage last April.

St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center’s surgical team was scheduled to perform the procedure on Monday. The said hospital stated that the 47 year-old rocker needs to undergo cardiac catheterization in which the doctor planned to insert a catheter into a vein near the groin together with a guide wire as well as a closure device with cameras  that will assist doctors when they do the closure of the hole in his heart.

The device used for the closure will remain permanently in Bret’s heart to prevent abnormal blood flow between the two chambers of the heart.

The doctors said that if Bret will not undergo the procedure, he will be most likely developing blood clots and an additional stroke could happen.


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