Brangelina are headed back to just Brad and Angelinaif the rumors are true. London’s News of the World reported Saturday that the power duo are headed back to single life.
According to reports Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have met with California lawyers and have agreed to divide their vast fortune.
It’s worth an estimated $330 million and includes mansions in France, New Orleans and Los Angeles.
In legal papers the world’s most famous couple also agreed to share custody of the six children, three biological and three adopted. According to the reports the kids will be with Angelina full time.
“It seemed clear they want the world to know they’ll both play a part in the upbringing of the children.” said a source.
The source said. “It is clear it’s a case of when they break up rather than if.Pitt reportedly purchased a million-dollar mansion last week just next door to the couple’s main estate in Los Angeles.
What was it your mamma used to say? A fire that burns that hot just burns itself out? Hey maybe we’re misreading all those signs. IF you can’t count on Brangelina, who can you count on?