Boy George Gets 15 Months

Former Culture Club member–Boy George, has been sentenced to 15 months in jail as a result of his antics with a male—friend.

Boy George, who’s real name is George O’Dowd, was recently found guilty of false imprisonment after handcuffing Audun Carlsen to a wall and beating him with a metal chain during naked  photo session at his home in  Shoreditch.

The jury heard testimony at trial in Snaresbrook Crown Court, that O’Dowd had accused Carlsen of hacking into his laptop and  stealing photos etc. Of course thats the PERFECT excuse right??

Boy George claimed that he had handcuffed the escort to the bed while he investigated the incident.

The judge said that he was guilty of “gratuitous violence”, adding that his attack was “premeditated”, “callous” and “degrading”.


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One Response to “Boy George Gets 15 Months”

  1. Fairy Liquid Dishes says:

    Thousands of unhappy and despairing men chained behind bars, a veritable Boy George paradise!

    News Gossip Update – Boy George picks up a big part with a well known soap!