Bill Ray stands up for his daughter’s boyfriend.
When it comes to Miley, we all know she is wild and crazy, and just a bit out there. After photos surfaced of spring break of the two love birds, there has been a lot of talk and speculation going around because of it. While they were partying and letting loose, people were snapping photos of Miley and Patrick Schwarzenegger. The two seemed to be having a good time and everything, drinking, partying, doing other stuff and didn’t seem to mind the people around them. After all, isn’t this what spring break is all about when you’re young and in love?
Apparently not for the stars that we know, and love to gossip about.
Many people find the two not such a good pair after all, when it comes to seeing Patrick take pictures of girls in bikinis (he is a guy though, right?) and also hugging one of the sorority sisters just a little too tightly one night. While Miley seems to have seen the pictures, since we all have, nothing has come of this and the two seem to continue to do the things that they do because who is perfect?
Billy Ray Cyrus knows of everything going on, and still continues to stand by his daughter’s boyfriend, defending him throughout the entire thing. He wants the accusations to stop, to let the kids be kids and to have them work out their differences because it is their relationship. He has nothing against the kid, and thinks he’s the best suited for his daughter. They have to come to the terms that they are going to come too, and Billy Ray will support the decision that they both make. It is ultimately up to them, and how each other views the problem and finds out how to fix it.
We will continue to provide coverage on this story, and what actually does come from it. All we need to know now is that Miley is a big girl and can take care of herself. If her dad is not concerned, then why should we be? This is her call at the end of the day.