Legendary actress/singer Barbra Streisand is criticizing U.S. presidential candidate John McCain’s decision to appoint Sarah Palin as his VP candidate.
Streisand is basically furious over the fact that McCain picked a woman as his running mate, because she believes that he did it just to take the voters who supported Hillary Clinton.
To get her message across, Streisand has posted a lengthy piece entitled “McCain Doesn’t Get It: Women are not that stupid.” on her blog. And to give you an idea about what she really thinks about this issue, here is her opening paragraph:
“Maybe he was sick of the lack of media attention…maybe he had enough of the late night talk show hosts poking fun at his age…maybe he realized that belonging to a party that has been associated with rich, white men was not going to connect with voters in this historical election year. Or maybe he was just ready to take back some of the spotlight that has shined so brightly on Barack Obama and the Democrats since the beginning of the Democratic convention. Desperation can motivate people to make some pretty cynical and hypocritical decisions. Whatever the reason, John McCain’s Hail Mary– in the form of Vice Presidential pick Governor Sarah Palin–sent a very clear message to America about how he views female voters. Women, he thinks, will vote another woman into office regardless of the candidate’s values, experience and political positions.”
To read her entire post, click here!
I’m not for teenage pregnacey ,but I think the media is out of controll… The girl made a mistake and I’m sure she feels as bad as anyone..and she is facing up to the response abilality and the media broadcasting the news of her pregnagcy is unacceptable.. I think the networks need to stop this kind nonsense…
this is only the business of her family…I’m sure the other canidates have things they would not like to come out…..This girl is only 17!!
How dare Streisand criticize John McCain and defame Sarah Palin? She berates McCain for being a rich white man – what is Barbra married to? She says women won’t just automatically vote for a woman since Hillary didn’t make it into the race – I wasn’t about to vote for Hillary – she and Streisand are from the same privleged few who should put their money where their mouths are. Divest themselves of the millions that give them the freedom to campaign and profess to know what is right for the rest of us and then they might get my respect. She nor Hillary every balanced a life of living on 50K a year, working and raising children. They had nannies and millions. Sarah is not at all like Hillary and thank heavens for that. A REAL woman who has lived a real life will have a more realistic view of what America needs. Neither Streisand, Hillary or Obama have a clue. And, I think perhaps Barbra should get to know who Sarah is before she blasts her. Voting for a person who has NO qualifications as PRESIDENT just because he has black skin color graphically demonstrates her reasoning ability – and even more reason for her not to throw stones.
I am a left leaning liberal who has voted for a Republican a few times. Barbra is very passionate with her politics, however, I believe people who are undecided would take her opinion more seriously if she was not so negative about who she opposes. Most likely if 0bama wins Barbra will sing at the inaguaration. I believe she would get much respect now if she said in honor of the office of president and not who is in it she will sing for Obama or McCain at inaguratiion regardless of who wins. I bet McCain would invite her. So if she reads these things let her show us what she is made of and will pay honor in this historic race whoever wins!
These elitist snobbish celebrities who think they are so clever, think they know better what’s best for us than we do, using the wealth we gave them by watching their movies, and buying their sponsor’s products. I don’t want these celebrities to buy the Presidency. The people of the United States should chose the President. Each citizen’s vote should be equal, not canceled out, or overshadowed by some spoiled celebrity. Look at the list of lame celebrities who are trying to get Obama in the white house …
Madonna, Ludacris, the idiots from the View, Rosie, Pamela Anderson, Oprah, Lohan, chevy chase, Susan Sarandon … These celebrities are out of touch with us Americans. They are just part of an
“in crowd clique” who think they are at liberty to use disgusting language, and make nasty attacks, with impunity. They don’t know the issues, or care, for they are insulated by their wealth, and believe they are above reproach. We, the common people are the ones who gave them their celebrity and wealth … and, we the common people are the ones who can take it back. No Wright, no Farrakhan, no Rezko, no Ayers, no Pfleger, no mean Michelle, and, NOBAMA !!!