Arrest Warrant Issued for Randy Quaid and Wife

Randy Quaid and his wife Evi are wanted for questioning for defrauding an innkeeper, a felony, is reporting.

The website says an arrest warrant for Santa Barbara County was issued for a felony. reported lSanta Barbara police as investigating the couple for allegedly stiffing the San Ysidro Ranch hotel after incurring over $10,000 in hotel charges.

Quaid, 58, iplayed Cousin Eddie in the National Lampoon “Vacation” movies. He and his wife have been married for 21 years


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One Response to “Arrest Warrant Issued for Randy Quaid and Wife”

  1. Lyrics says:

    Evi resisted arrest and put up a struggle? LMAO….these two are the new Bonnie and Clyde. Maybe they undercover rappers or something.