More drama unfolds in young Ariel Winter’s life when her father recently made an objection for her temporary guardianship. He opposed the temporary ruling of the court to award guardianship to her sister Shanelle Workman while the case is on-going.
Glenn Workman, Winter’s father, wrote in a declaration that he was “physically, emotionally and financially capable” of taking care of his daughter. There has been no evidence that the relationship between father and daughter has been strained in anyway even before the case.
According to Workman, her daughter Shanelle does not need to become guardian of Ariel as his income can support him and Ariel very well without touching her daughter’s money. He added that Ariel and him have a good relationship and even spend time together enjoying long walks.
Workman also believes that her daughter has been brave the past days and took everything maturely even at her age. With this, he believes that she needs to have more control on whatever it is she’s earning. However, Workman has never made any comment regarding his wife and the alleged physical and emotional abuse she’s been doing to Ariel. He only said that at the moment, the couple’s relationship has been strained.
Meanwhile, Ariel has been caught on camera looking very happy amid the drama in her family. She and her older sister Shanelle were seen at the Farmer’s Market in Studio City happily doing “normal” stuff.